Mga mambabatas, inalmahan ang panibagong panggigipit ng China sa RoRe mission ng Pilipinas sa Ayungin Shoal; suporta sa mga ahensiyang nakatutok sa WPS, paiigtingin pa

  • 3 months ago
Mga mambabatas, inalmahan ang panibagong panggigipit ng China sa RoRe mission ng Pilipinas sa Ayungin Shoal; suporta sa mga ahensiyang nakatutok sa WPS, paiigtingin pa


00:00Angelic, following the new action of China against the Philippine troops in the West Philippine Sea,
00:06their leaders are now considering how to end these incidents.
00:13An expert also has a recommendation.
00:18We are calling on them to respect our country.
00:21This is our territory.
00:23Just like you, we did not enter your area.
00:29As far as we are concerned, we are using historical basis as a reason to say that this is our territory.
00:37Congressmen condemned the new attack of China
00:41on our troops in Ayungin Shoals in the West Philippine Sea,
00:45where several soldiers were injured.
00:48According to Surigao del Norte's 2nd District Representative Robert S. Barbers,
00:53the government should also arrest the foreigners entering our territory.
00:58China does not respect our right to the WPS,
01:03so our authorities need to take a more strict action.
01:08If they enter or trespass our territory,
01:11we should also arrest them.
01:14This is a show of respect for our policies and laws here in our country.
01:24We should arrest those who trespass our territory.
01:30But the question is, do we have the capacity to do this?
01:33According to another lawmaker, they will bring additional funds.
01:37According to the 2nd District Representative Jonathan Keith-Flores,
01:41in the coming budget season or Congress' negotiation,
01:45in terms of the national fund for the next year,
01:49they will ask for support from the agencies operating in the West Philippine Sea.
01:54We will be pushing more for a bigger budget for our Coast Guard,
01:58our Philippine Navy, and including our Armed Forces in general.
02:01Because they can no longer afford to waste.
02:04It's really too much.
02:05In the Senate, some young people also voted in favor of China's new aggression.
02:10For Senate President Pro Tempore Chinggoy Estrada,
02:14he did not accept the blatant violation of his right under international law.
02:21He messaged China to stop their actions as soon as possible
02:26and to respect our sovereign rights.
02:29Senate Majority Leader Francis Torrentino also wrote to DFA Secretary Enrique Manalo
02:35to recommend asking for help from the Philippines
02:39to the International Community of Red Cross in Geneva, Switzerland.
02:43In terms of the segment on Rise and Shine Philippines,
02:47Prof. Antonio Contreras was given an expert opinion
02:50that it is up to the WPS to take care of the situation.
02:54He argued,
02:56In order to reduce this kind of skirmishes like what happened in Yongin,
03:01because what happened was that there were no journalists embedded there.
03:05If there are journalists there,
03:08it is a kind of bullying and harassment that China is doing.
03:11It's not really causing any harm.
03:13Because just like that, what China did,
03:15they were the first ones to go there,
03:17they were the first ones to report that we were the ones who bombed their ship.
03:21We were the first ones to go there.
03:22Meanwhile, they are the ones who harassed us,
03:24they are the ones who talked.
03:26Maybe to our soldiers who will travel in the future,
03:29we should always maintain that there is media,
03:32not just local but international,
03:34so that it is more visible in real time.
03:37Because in my opinion,
03:38this is just my opinion,
03:39if there is really media there,
03:41it will not happen.
03:44Angelique, in the first statement of House Deputy Majority Leader Erwin Tulfo,
03:49he said that when the Congress is back in session,
03:52one of the priorities that is expected to be discussed and heard by the House of Representatives
03:58is the issues in the West Philippine Sea.
04:02Yes, Omel.
04:03Will there be a back-channeling,
04:05or we will talk to our members of the House of Representatives,
04:08to their counterparts in the overseas,
04:11so that the situation will be better or calmer.
04:19Angelique, in the past few months,
04:22the lawmakers have been continuously talking
04:25to various sectors of the society
04:27and to various officials
04:29so that the issue in the West Philippine Sea can be addressed.
04:32And I will just give an example, Angelique,
04:35regarding the West Philippine Sea,
04:37a few days ago,
04:38the leaders of the Camera met with our fishermen in Sambales
04:45and they promised that they will protect the Camera
04:48and will help the Camera to provide protection
04:51to our fishermen in the West Philippine Sea.
04:54But for now, Angelique,
04:55we will know if there will be help from other officials in the future
05:02so that our position in the West Philippine Sea can be strengthened.
05:06But Angelique,
05:07in the eyes of the Camera,
05:08what they are really asking for,
05:10the best thing that they can give support to our agencies,
05:14to our troops,
05:15who are guarding the West Philippine Sea,
05:19is this additional fund.
05:21What Angelique is saying is that
05:22our lawmakers,
05:23if they are given enough and more funds,
05:27like AFP, PCG,
05:29and other agencies that are guarding the West Philippine Sea,
05:33the protection to our troops will be strengthened
05:37and we will have more equipment
05:39so that we can be prepared
05:40if there will be other tensions here in the West Philippine Sea.
05:45But overall, Angelique,
05:47what our lawmakers are asking for
05:49is for the peace in the area to be strengthened.
05:53All right.
05:53Thank you very much,
05:54Mela Lesmoras.
