Responsive Classified Sample, 2 (Own Classified Ad + AdSense)

  • 7 years ago
Sample Two (if you have economy budget) : This classified system works on any WordPress theme. If you choose any of these designs, YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO PAY for WordPress Theme. PlugIn is also free

Expense and Earning: if you have economy budget, it's the another alternative right choice as your are getting free Theme and Plugin. You CAN'T sell memberships here but OPTIONALLY YOU CAN SHOW AdSense OR OTHER ADS

❁ Homepage with latest Items at top
❁ Modern, responsive design
❁ Intuitive ads browsing and searching.
❁ Display categories grid.
❁ Allow only registered users to post Ads.
❁ Manual approval before publishing content.
❁ Ads will automatically expire after set number of days.
❁ Currency - USD, EURO, Pound and many others

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