Brussels Terror Attack & the Turning Point from Civilization to Barbarism within Islam Part IV, by Prof. Megalommatis

  • 8 years ago
A most critical dimension of today’s global problem of Islam is the following: although only Saudi Arabia accepts today the heretic Islamic School of Jurisprudence of Ahmed ibn Hanbal (on which depend the other two ulterior theological systems), the theological system of Ibn Taimiya, a vicious heretic and an unconditional Hanbali, although fully rejected as tenebrous at the times of the Islamic Golden Era, is widely accepted today among Muslims, either Hanbali or Hanafi, Maliki, and Shafi’i – the three true and historically valid, and not heretic, Islamic Schools of Jurisprudence.

This in itself may not say much to the unspecialized readership. However, if one takes into consideration the fact that Muhammad ibn Abdulwahhab – a barbaric and silly thug, a self-styled Muslim Hanbali theologian, and the founder of modern Wahhabism or Salafism – was the pupil of other ignorant theologians, who were the followers of the evil theological system of Ibn Taimiya, and thus became himself a staunch supporter of Ibn Taimiya, one understands clearly the present disastrous situation of the Muslim world.

So, it does not matter whether the entire population and the theological authorities of a Muslim country have contempt for Muhammad ibn Abdulwahhab and reject Wahhabism or Salafism explicitly. It does also not matter whether they proclaim their adherence to the three rightful and lawful Islamic Schools of Jurisprudence (Hanafi, Maliki, and Shafi’i) and reject ibn Hanbal’s system.

As long as they accept the abomination of Ibn Taimiya, all Muslims are affected by the Hanbali contamination either they realize it or not. In this case, their declaration of being Hanafi, Maliki or Shafi’i is absolutely worthless and cannot be possibly accepted by any shrewd investigator.

As long as they accept the theological obscenity of Ibn Taimiya, all Muslims are inclined to end up Wahhabists and Salafists sooner or later, because the fruit of Ibn Taimiya’s theological lawlessness and political fornication was Muhammad ibn Abdulwahhab, the source of the iniquity and the villainous father of all illiterate, barbaric, heinous and villainous extremists, radicals, and terrorists.

The aforementioned historical analysis reveals something critical that both, Islamic terrorists and politically correct Western academia and politicians, have always tried to conceal; in a way, there were Islamic extremists and terrorists who, deeply plunged in illiteracy, ignorance, barbarism and hatred of the “Other”, carried out dreadful acts during the Islamic Ages. Islamic Terrorism is therefore nothing new, and basically it does not pertain to the theological system of Muhammad ibn Abdulwahhab, but to the barbaric lawlessness of Ibn Taimiya, who antedated Abdulwahhab by five centuries and although Hanbali, is accepted by most of today’s Muslim theologians .
