C/01 Philippe Frémeaux The Consumer Society at Stake

  • il y a 10 ans
The energy transition challenges western society’s way of life that is inextricably linked to low-cost and abundant
energy. Consumption is also a way of distinction and the expression of a social status. How can we imagine
a “low-carbon” society? Which way(s) of life and socio-economic models are to be invented in respect for the
present and future generations?

A Fair Energy Transition

10-11-12 Septembre 2014, au Centre Sèvres, 35 bis rue de Sèvres, 75006 Paris.

This conference is thus built on the conviction that energy transition, in order to be feasible and sustainable, requires an understanding of the underlying social justice issues. The challenge is to go beyond current discussions on technical aspects and to focus on the social justice issues involved in the energy transition.

To communicate information to the largest audience about energy transition.
To raise awareness on the issue of social justice that lies into the energy transition project.
To create a dynamic of dialogue among disciplines and actors which are usually segmented and never share information.
To provide tools for understanding and new means of action to different organizations which are facing difficulties to achieve their first goals.
