Archived > 2015 May > 13 Evening > 11

Videos archived from 13 May 2015 Evening

Prince Harry Is Doing The Maori Haka With The New Zealandn Army
Singapore kidnapping timeline: kidnappers found, ransom recovered
嫦娥三號發射 玉兔號14天後登月
美女主廚哽咽 勇認拍露點照
豬與黑猩猩雜交 進化成人類?
高鈉奶粉真相大白 狠伯母掺鹽殺嬰
Jenna Jameson flashes breasts for help on 4chan!
「人跟板凳結婚」 高中師課堂謬論反同志
童仲彥妻 無照駕車撞傷人
Student slices off his own penis while high on meow meow
大學院長豔照門 小三懷孕鬧跳樓
Adaptive mechanisms help humans survive extreme cold
Japan chemical factory blast: 5 killed, 12 injured
太神奇了 智慧假髮導航量血壓
英國警用直升機墬酒吧 6死
靈修男被騙400萬 婦控日月明功勾結醫師詐財
Atomic wedgie death: Stepson arrested for underpants-assisted murder
Real pictures of RMS titanic
塑膠袋偷藏男嬰 未婚女子產子血崩雙亡
小三爆料鄧志偉劈腿 開房間要女方出錢
Nine dead after fire breaks out on Indian express train
SNL (finally) adds Sasheer Zamata first black female to cast after 5 year gap
減肥藥害女成癱 2醫起訴
無良業務 拐智障男綁約14支手機
Amazing Villa in Khalifa City Abu Dhabi V 435 -
Taiwanese trio drugged girls' drinks and raped them
Woman pulls gun from vagina, points it at boyfriend after fight over aliens
大學生看A片凍未條 猥褻同床國中表妹
Drug dealer arrested while taking a leak
Drunken woman beat up by female neighbor
交往3年還訂婚 驚覺未婚夫是女人
台中人考彰化農會 遭勸退
溫差大喊頭痛 38歲男子動脈瘤破裂不治
美國列車出軌 4死67人傷
Francesco Progano you tube Italiano
Male to female crossdressing catches on in Japan
South Korean choppers to be armed with Israeli Spike missiles
女性假扮性高潮 出軌機會大
Feu d'entrepôt de produits chimiques Warehouse chemicals fire Lusigny France Allier
Florida Chuck E. Cheese's turns into Family Feud
Tainted frozen food sickens hundreds in Japan
Ventes de Rafale : un millier d'emplois à la clé
女友吃飛醋 遭狠男輾死
少女失蹤19年 竟是被媽帶出國
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Escaped Kentucky prisoner turns himself in because of cold
La minute de Philippe Béchade: QE: beaucoup de bulles mais pas de croissance - 13/05
Massive bomb kills Pakistan's 'top cop'
Singapore Airline flight makes emergency landing due to cabin depressurisation
侵吞失物2.6萬 警400萬退休金泡湯
父推母母推媳 男酒駕奪命全家頂罪
私地主拒埋管300戶沒自來水用 修法通過可逕行開挖
Swordfish Intro
Syria ships out first batch of chemical weapons
公事包裝菜刀 西裝人魔勒斃女友阿嬤
Vicente Amigo (Tierra) - Rio De La Seda
Grandson of Vail ski resort founder killed in avalanche
Psicologia Forense
立志30歲前買房 22歲櫃姐賣淫
貧母買兇宅遭拒貸 倒虧39萬
迷魂狼 藉App連劫制服OL
Timothy Davison shot on PA highway, FBI investigate
獨子奪屋翻臉 趕母住40度C鐵皮屋
Miss Venezuela, ex-husband murdered in Venezuela robbery gone wrong
Soñar no cuesta nada, Capítulo 188
三星抄蘋果 美判賠90億台幣
亞職放水疑雲 檢分案調查
租屋糾紛被罵娘砲 同志主持人怒告
英3女遭囚30年 2嫌犯曾為毛派
衰爆 男買春被逮call友求助 竟call來老婆
Birds in the Spring
大小奶海灘消風 隆乳失敗慘劇
小王睡人妻 貼海報討4歲兒
日AV女優來台賣淫 疑攬客噱頭
陸航母闖台海峽 我竟不吭聲
Rodman in North Korea goes ballistic in CNN interview
Smog-eating buildings the solution to Beijing's smog?
Water Management Permitting: Helping communities grow and protecting the environment
世足賽車趕工 吊車毀頂壓死2人
台版《半澤直樹》 農會虧750萬要員工扛
燒炭3人最後晚餐 點2500元法國菜
蠻橫無理寡情薄義 打人鄉代被起訴
Hamid Khan Exclusive with Rida Baaghi on NA-125
How to Pass CCNP 642-885 Exam
Problem kłusownictwa
Taiwan's 10 hottest news anchors run ultra marathon for charity
US sends more troops and tanks to South Korea
解駕駛比基尼釀車禍 色男害死自己
離譜17同事公投定去留 工程師遭資遣
Four US airmen killed in UK chopper crash
Japanese couple caught in fatal shooting in Ecuador's largest city
獸父追進醫院 性侵13歲女
「打野砲」開庭 傅天穎淚訴無意讓人旁觀
嗆不該引渡 林克穎還押
性侵女警害墮胎 警官寫信露餡 判4年
Hot Asian bikini models spread their tulips! Also, a flower festival or something
Landslide blocks traffic on a main highway of Malaysia
中國公布東海防空識別區 我國密切注意
恐怖編劇拒還債 設靈堂惡整
英3女遭虐囚 當奴隸30年 熱血氣質女社工救人