Videos archived from 15 April 2015 Evening
Where should I advertise my home online?: Selling OnlineCan I generate my own electricity?: Saving Electricity
How can I prevent my baby from injuring himself while he is inside the crib?: Childproofing The Bedr
How can I stop myself spending money on unnecessary things?: Budgeting Tips
How do I choose a dog that will get along with my old dog?: Choosing A Dog
How do I choose between a puppy and an adult dog?: Choosing A Dog
How do I make sure the property is in a nice area?: Potential Problems With Renting A Property
What are the pros and cons of purchasing a purebred or a mixed breed dog?: Choosing A Dog
What equipment potentially wastes energy in the office?: Green Energy Defined
What is a poppy?: Flower Dictionary
What is my role as the seller during the conveyancing process?: Conveyancing For Private Sales
How important is a filing system?: Organizing My Home Office
How long is a local search valid for?: The Role Of The Buyer's Solicitor
How many different breeds of dogs are there?: Choosing A Dog
What To Do If Your Dog Has Skin Cancer
What common household items make good makeshift weapons?: Home Invasion Prevention
What is a local search?: The Role Of The Buyer's Solicitor
What is completion?: Conveyancing For Private Sales
What questions should I ask them?: Finding A Property Search Company
What should you do if you discover a fire in a high rise building?: In The Event Of A Fire
Does keeping the house tidy really make a difference?: Preparing For A Property Viewing
How do I know which breed of dog I will be compatible with?: Choosing A Dog
My house isn't selling - what should I do?: When Your Property Doesn't Sell
Should I always do repairs before selling my house?: Preparing For A Property Viewing
Should I trust my agent when he tells me to accept a low offer?: When Your Property Doesn't Sell
What does an auctioneer do?: Property Auctions Explained
What were different dog breed groups bred to do?: Choosing A Dog
Will the smell of coffee and fresh bread help me sell my house?: Preparing For A Property Viewing
Can I make the vendor take the property off the market once I've made an offer?: The Offer
How To Set Up Shelves On Dry Wall
I haven't had any viewings - what should I do?: When It Isn't Selling
Should I go for the estate agent's valuation?: Setting The Right Price For A Property
What are the advantages of a fire action plan?: Fire Action Plans
What do I need to know about a private sales website before I sign up?: Selling Online
What flaws should make me avoid a property?: Viewing A Property
What should you do if there's a fire in your house?: In The Event Of A Fire
What should you do if your escape routes are blocked in a high rise building?: In The Event Of A Fir
What will make my home sell quickly?: Preparing For A Property Viewing
Are property search companies independent?: Finding A Property Search Company
Can I travel more cheaply by train as a student?: Saving Money On Train Travel
How much daily exercise does my dog need?: Basic Dog Care
How often should I bathe my dog?: Basic Dog Care
What are the different types of fire extinguisher?: Types Of Fire Safety Equipment
What are the major causes of fires in the home?: Fire Safety Explained
What are the most common geriatric issues for dogs?: Older Dogs And Diseases
What new "green energy technologies" are you excited about?: Using Green Power
What should my dog eat when I first bring him home?: Feeding Your Dog
What type of dog food should I buy?: Feeding Your Dog
A Guide To Using Your Washing Machine
How To Clean Your Garbage Disposal
How To Create Japanese Zen Gardens
How can I keep my dog comfortable at home when he gets old?: Older Dogs And Diseases
What is a kitten mill?: Finding A Cat
What is council tax?: Bills And Expenses To Pay At Your Rented Property
What is the USGS?: Earthquake Terminology And Science
Where do household fires most commonly originate?: Fire: What Everyone Needs To Know
How To Stop Newspaper Delivery When Away From Home
How To Wash Clothes With Chocolate Stains
How can I order flowers that will blow the recipient away?: How To Order Flowers
Should I ask for a pack on a new build property that has never been lived in?: HIP Buyers
What is a daffodil?: Flower Dictionary
What is a daisy?: Flower Dictionary
What is a hyacinth?: Flower Dictionary
What is the cost to the buyer?: HIP Buyers
Will I have to pay for a pack?: HIP Buyers
Can I add the cost of a HIP to the cost of my home?: Costs Of A HIP
How fast can a brush or wildfire spread?: Brush And Wildfires
What are some of the drawbacks to solar power?: Solar Power
What is 'gypsum'?: Improving Garden Soil
What is 'water-wise' gardening?: Water-Wise Gardening
What kinds of food and beverages can I serve at a green event?: Hosting Green Events
Where can I recycle household batteries?: Recycling
How do I set up a hospital tank for my sick fish?: How To Set Up A Hospital Tank For Your Sick Fish
Should I keep a gun in my home?: Home Invasion Prevention
What are the pros and cons of purchasing a retired work dog?: Choosing A Dog
What do I do if I can't afford the bills?: Potential Problems With Renting A Property
What do I do if there is a problem with the property?: Potential Problems With Renting A Property
What is 'deadheading'?: Garden Pruning
What is a 'hardy' plant?: Garden Plant Basics
What size of dog should I get?: Choosing A Dog
What warning signs should I look out for when viewing a property?: Potential Problems With Renting A
How To Place A New Toilet Handle
How can I avoid a bidding war?: The Offer
How can I avoid getting gazumped?: The Offer
How much should I spend on repairs before selling my house?: Preparing For A Property Viewing
Should I ever offer the asking price?: The Offer
What is an estate agent?: House Selling Defined
What is the main advantage of using an estate agent?: House Selling Defined
What types of auctions are there?: Property Auctions Explained
Will an estate agent make the process of selling a house easier?: House Selling Defined
Acoustic Alchemy - The Beautiful Game
How do I get rid of my cat's worms?: Cat Illnesses And Treatments
How do I prepare my family to meet the cat?: Prepare For Your Cat
How do I prepare my home for my new cat?: Prepare For Your Cat
How do I take my cat's temperature?: Cat Illnesses And Treatments
Is it important to advertise my home online?: Selling Online
What fire safety precautions should you take for elderly or disabled family members?: Fire Action Pl
What is the best type of litter box for my cat?: Prepare For Your Cat
How can I be the first to view a property?: Viewing A Property
How can I set the right asking price?: Setting The Right Price For A Property