Archived > 2015 January > 02 Morning > 36

Videos archived from 02 January 2015 Morning

In Screen We Trust: The Dangers of Malleable Data
Luis von Ahn: Harnessing the Power of 100 Million People
The Innovations of Steve Jobs and Thomas Edison
The Secret to Successful Gamification? Throw in a Twist
How Infographics Can Visually Engage ... and Mislead
Julia Stiglitz: Introduces Google Apps for Education
Social Networks: Is Today's Creepy Tomorrow's Necessity?
Android vs. iPhone: The Context Awareness War
Skype's Videophone and the Long Nose of Innovation
The Ten Year Game: Where Religion and Gaming Collide
B. Bonin Bough: Shifting from Impressions to Connections
Google's Amit Singhal on Creating a Smarter Search Engine
Toppling the Pyramid: A Philosophy for a Flat World
Data-Collecting Drugs? What Comes After Open Source
Kiva's Shah: Mobile + Crowdfunding to Disrupt Microloans
New Methods of Using Data from the Large Hadron Collider
Steve Jobs Predicts Networking in 1985 Playboy Interview
James Gleick: How the Written Word Transformed Humanity
Murat ANLAR -- Taleal Bedru Aleyna
The Dark Knight: A Case Study in Alternate Reality Gaming
Alph Bingham: Data, Wisdom and the Future of Search
Chopra Talks Tech, Education and Reverse Innovation
Jeffrey Heer Demos Collaborative Data Visualization
Mac People vs. PC People: What Your Data Says About You
Marthin De Beer: The Future History of the Grid
Ribbon Hero: How Microsoft Made Office Fun
Communication as a Fundamental Human Right
Data, Not Algorithms, Key to Machine Learning
Google's Tom Uglow: The Future of Digital Is Physical
Incentives Wrong for Electronic Medical Records
Pandora for Fashion: Google's Curates Style
Roger McNamee Says 'Google Is Done'
Social Data Reveals Lynyrd Skynyrd's Link to... Taxidermy
Keeping Your Clothes On: The Ethics of Online Privacy
Naveen Jain: Even If You Aren’t Social, Your Data Is
Wolfram Alpha: A Knowledge-Based Search Engine
Schoolteacher Ananth Pai Gamifies His Classroom
The AlloSphere: UCSB's Pavilion of Projected Data Imagery
Gamified Engagement: First Minutes Crucial to Success
Rich Tong: Tumblr and the Power of the Reblog
Introducing the First Great Silicon Valley Oxford Debate
Radical Business Collaborations Drive Innovation
Maureen Mullen Praises Bergdorf Goodman's Social Strategy
Watson's Jeopardy Win: A False Victory for AI?
What Drives the Global Growth of Information?
Will Google+ End Google's Social Losing Streak?
Robust Community Makes Arduino Perfect for DIY Robotics
The Sacrifices in Becoming an Entrepreneur
Mapping a Bird's Brain Would Take Many Google Earths
Tim O'Reilly: New Kinds of Human Computer Symbiosis
Grow Taller 4 Idiots FREE Download
Sean Gourley Explains Quid's Technology Genome Project
Google Picks Arduino Platform for Android Accessories
Juniper CEO: Can Tech Industry Handle Web Traffic Surge?
Andreas Weigend: Amazon's 'Customer-Centric Analysis'
Funny or Die: Finding the Funny in Advertising
John Black: Building Resilient Social Networks
Geoengineering Climate Control: Who Gets the Keys?
DNA: The Living Record of Humanity's Journey
I Share Therefore I Am: Social Media Taking Over
Will Big Data Improve Online Recommendations?
Anant Jhingran: The Brains Behind IBM's Watson Computer
Tally Tutorial In Urdu - Part 29
When Disaster Strikes, Ushahidi Gives Social Purpose
Kevin Kelly: Access Is Better Than Ownership
The Roger Bannister Effect: Incentivized Competition
Using Mobile Services as Crisis Sensor Networks
Dan Roam: Examining the Future of US Healthcare Reform
Google's Vint Cerf: What Can Gigabit Do for You?
Sahana: Monitoring the Haiti Earthquake Response
1-844-609-0909 @ Outlook Password Recovery Number, Outlook Password Reset Number
Nicholas Carr: Why the Human Brain Can't Multitask
Eric Blantz Asks: Is Internet Access a Human Right?
How Insecure Cell Phones Endanger Human Rights Activists
James Gleick: Will Computers Ever Understand Emotion?
SnappyTV: Share Television Highlights in Real Time
Supercomputers: The New Face of Wall Street
Steven Levy: How Did the Google-Apple Relationship Sour?
Steven Levy: What Is Google's Greatest Weakness?
Crisis Tracker: A Geospatial Database of LRA Atrocities
Giving Software the Security Strength of a Safe
Self-Driving Cars: Coming Soon to a Road Near You
Do No Evil? Google's Censored Search Results in China
Immelt: Strong Economy Cannot Be Built on Service Alone
Manwa Laage
Are You Lurking? The 90-9-1 Principle of Social Media
Sean Parker: Spotify Fulfills Original Napster Vision
Using Narrative to Break the Slave-Driven Supply Chain
To Survive, Unemployed Software Workers Need to Retool
KBO^인­터­넷­토­토­사­이­트放《 Y­G­➐­➒­·­C­O­M­※­윤­석­민­볼­티­모­어­※ 》味스­마­트­폰­스­포­츠­게­임
Satellite Sentinel Project: Protecting Civilians
Jared Cohen: Technology's Role in Arab Spring Protests
Verizon CTO: Market Must Set Mobile Standards, Not Gov't
Overcoming Biotech's 'Ick Factor'
The Digital Remix: A New Paradigm for Creation
TRÒ CHƠI ÂM NHẠC | FULL HD | 31/12/2014
Brad Burnham Compares Facebook to Putin's Russia
Creating a Company Culture of Innovation and Engagement
Mick Mountz: A Day in the Life of a Kiva Robot
Aankhon Kay Sagar-Momin jaan}