Archived > 2014 December > 31 Morning > 32

Videos archived from 31 December 2014 Morning

John Yoo's Argument Against 'Global Governance'
Romney's Taxes: A Swiss Bank Account Is Not 'Ordinary'
Joseph Stiglitz: Iraq War Caused the Great Recession
Michael Hayden of CIA Supports Targeted Killing by Drones
Biden to Turkey: US to Keep 'Presence' In Iraq Past 2011
U.S. Competitiveness Suffers Without National Healthcare
How Obama's Supreme Court Criticism Could Impact Decision
Rachel Maddow: Why Conservative Media Model Works
Sen. Hutchison Would’ve Loved to Be First Woman President
Coleman: 'Tone' of Immigration Debate Hurts GOP
Holding a State Liable: A Federal Judge's Perspective
War in Afghanistan: How Women Performed Better Than Men
Fear of Qaddafi Blocked Political Solution in Libya
Will Conservatives Rally Around Mitt Romney?
Complexity of International Law in Domestic Courts
Indigenous Rights and International Law
Issa Warns Against Racial Profiling of American Muslims
Jim Lehrer: The Real Purpose of Presidential Debates
Michelle Bachelet: True Security Not Just About Military
Coleman: Neither Dems, GOP to 'Disarm' on Fundraising
Valerie Jarrett Praises Yahoo for Hiring Pregnant CEO
GOP's Walsh: House Dems Face Steep Climb to Majority
Measuring the Success of Pro Bono Work
Maintaining the Relevance of the G-20 Summit
Responsibility to Protect as a Principle
Van Jones: The Financial Sector is Sucking America Dry
In Human Trafficking Cases, Prevention Should Come First
Turkey to Oppose Iranian Nukes, Even if US Stands Down
World’s Military: Just Think of What Else We Could Buy
Greenberg Predicts a Major Third Party Candidate in 2012
Jodi Kantor: The 'Political Potency' of the Obamas
Lieberman Rebuts Gingrich: 'Palestinians Are a People'
The Potential of Africa's Emerging Financial Market
LA Mayor Criticizes Mitt Romney's 15 Percent Tax Rate
Plan de programa de recuperación económica de Venezuela arrancará en enero
US Hesitation to Invade Iran a 'Grave Mistake'
'Kony 2012' and the Portrayal of African Conflict
China's Human Rights: Three Steps Back, One Step Forward
Michael Chertoff: Civil Liberties Depend on Security
Fast and Furious: Should Att'y General Holder Resign?
Zid Episode 3 Promo Dec 30, 2014 Hum TV Drama
2012 Presidential Election: What Is the Number One Issue?
Racial Discrimination: New York City's Stop and Frisk Law
Lieberman: 'No Evidence' for Congress Insider Trading
Rethinking 'Genocide': Implications for Sudan
The Freedom Tower Rises: Rebuilding 1 World Trade Center
The Role of Cyber Operations in International Law
Van Jones: Protecting Society from Corporate 'Tyranny'
A Capabilities Gap: The Emergence of a 'Two-Speed West'
Charlie Rose: Roberts' Healthcare Decision ‘Brilliant’
Dem Pollster Greenberg: GOP a 'Cult' and 'In Trouble'
Richard Wolff on Greek Crisis: Harbinger of US Future?
Time's Joe Klein on Whether US Ready for Mormon President
On Syria, Turkey Amb. Says Human Rights Trump Business
カノンKanon - You Are The Light (Sub. Español)
Preventing Genocide by Understanding Diversity
G-20 Sous Sherpa on Goals for the Los Cabos Summit
Corruption, Deception and the Importance of Due Diligence
The ‘Dark Bright Spot’ in the Iran Nuclear Debate
LA Mayor on US Tax Reform: Aim for the Middle Ground
The Relevance of Asia's Participation in the G-20
Lessig: 'Money Buys Results in Congress'
Herpes Virus 6
Regional R2P Efforts Cannot Succeed Absent Domestic Laws
Rep. Paul Ryan Rips Obama Budget
Shell's General Counsel on New Frontiers of Legal Risk
Richard Wolff: 'Capitalism Is Not Working'
Stephens: Obama Misjudges Palestinian, Israeli Dispute
Voters Skeptical on 'Sacrifice,' Favor Taxing Rich
Levin: Sequesters Could Threaten 'Sound' Defense Budget
Thomas Drake: '9/11 Became a Profit Center' for the NSA
The Challenge of Disposing Dangerous WMD Stockpiles
R. James Woolsey: OPEC's Cartel and Its Oil Monopoly
Russ Feingold: Why I Support the Wisconsin Recall
Iraq War Was Worth the High Cost, Says Sen. Joe Lieberman
LA Mayor Villaraigosa: 'Bad News' Coming in Obama Budget
Feingold Criticizes Citizens United Decision
Secretary Ban Ki-moon: 2012 Is the ‘Year of Prevention’
Tokyo Underworld: A Look Inside Yakuza Culture
Rep. Ryan: Romney Offers a 'Positive Agenda' for 2012
Can Israel Be Talked Out of Attacking Iran?
Levin: Taxes an Issue In 2012 - Thanks to Romney Returns
Marco Rubio's Vice Presidential Aspirations Slip
Amtrak Crescent west through Austell Ga.
Michael Douglas on the Impact of His Controversial Films
The Health Care Mandate: America's Political 'Third Rail'
Michael Douglas: Experience as Messenger of Peace for UN
Evolve Gameplay Walkthrough - Prologue!! (PC 60fps 1080p HD)
metal gear solid 5 mission 1
ميسي محطم الارقام القياسية / وثائقي
cartoon theory:spongebob
Michael Douglas' Support of Global Nuclear Disarmament
Gential Herpes
Overwerk ft. Nick Nikon - House (Meta Remix)
Deux Noëls musicaux (Il est né le Divin Enfant & Les Anges dans nos campagnes)
The Catch-Up (PlayStation LifeStyle Game Awards 2014 Edition)
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