Videos archived from 31 December 2014 Morning
General Dempsey on the 'Bad Habits' of Defense SpendingHolistic Healthcare: Curing a City's Healthcare System
Joel Klein: Education, the Sleeping Giant of US Policy
Bill Shuster: How FAA Sequester Cuts Cause Flight Delays
Mayor Rawlings-Blake: Middle Kids Make the Best Leaders
NYPD's Raymond Kelly: Stop-and-Frisk Laws Save Lives
Petraeus & Broadwell: Is It Just Another Sex Scandal?
Why the GOP Has Failed: Substance Versus Style
A Dire Threat: More Spies in US Than During Cold War
What Are Israel's Unilateral Plans to Strike Iran?
How the Central Park Five Survived Prison and the Press
Open (Source) Dialogue: Joan Blades Talks Civility
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Justice Scalia on Justice Thomas' Originalist View
Saddam Hussein & Madeleine Albright's Famous Pins
Michael Steele to Black America: 'We Built This Country'
'Who Do You Think We Are?': Statistics on Black Males
What's Wrong with "This Town"?
Grover Norquist: Fiscal Cliff Deal Left Obama Powerless
Jonathan Alter: Obama's Brain Moves Like a Rubik's Cube
Republicans Must Resurrect Reagan's Welcoming Mentality
What Will Romney Do After Losing Election? Write a Book
Removing Stigma of Drug Usage Would Reduce Social Harm
How New Technology Makes Policymaking Fun for Voters
Marco Rubio: 'I Will Not Prejudge Susan Rice Nomination'
Obama's Second Term: What He Must Do to Succeed
Gun Ownership: A Defense Against Tyranny?
Naím: China's Challenging Road to Global Power
Facing the Opposition: Maine's Marriage Equality Fight
Congress Has Appetite to Reform Super PACs
Single Payer Rationing and Caring for the Uninsured
Three Reasons Why We Should Not Ration End-of-Life Care
Way of the Knife: How the CIA Turns Soldiers Into Spies
Close the Divide: Diversity and Digital Inequality
Death by Filibuster: Demanding A Background Check Vote
From Malcolm X to MLK: How Love Can Change a Community
What the NRA Fears: Gun Registration Means Confiscation
Black Men and Sharks: Misrepresentation in News Media
Dambisa Moyo on the Global Election: US or China?
McCain and Graham: We Would Block Rice Nomination
Advocating for Women Leaders: Representation for the 51%
Is Editing to Blame for Black Stereotypes on Reality TV?
Michael Steele: Republicans' Voter Suppression 'Stupid'
The US Government's Misleading Policy on Drone Strikes
Edward Conard: How Withdraws Broke Banks and the Economy
Obama's Views on Race: The Beer Summit to Trayvon Martin
The Fastest Growing Crime: How to Bust Human Trafficking
Star Wars Rebels Season 1 Episode 9 - Path of the Jedi - Full Episode LINKS
Will Democrats Lose Control of the Senate in 2014?
Legalizing Drugs Would Create Widespread Social Problems
The Six Stages of Climate Change Denial
Axelrod: Why Obama Holds His Ground on the Fiscal Cliff
Joint Chiefs Chair Dempsey On No-Fly Zones
Wolff: Seize This Moment or Capitalism Will Not Be Cured
Data Democracy Gavin Newsom Turns Government Into an App
Don't Tax the Rich, It Won't Boost Economic Growth
How the Turbulent Middle East is Shaping Saudi Arabia
Would Legalizing Drugs Create US Addiction Epidemic?
Joan Walsh: Golden Era of the 1950s Was for Whites Only
Mayor Julian Castro on the Emerging Power of Latinos
Mayor Julian Castro: We Need to Ban Assault Weapons
Ted Olson: Getting Republicans to Support Gay Marriage
Norquist: Obama to Raise Tax on Rich, Then Middle Class
US Drones Are Controversial but Tactically Effective
Yellow Polka Dots #19 Baby Closet Dividers Boy or Girl Clothes Organizers Set of 6 Review
Madeleine Albright: Nuclear Iran, Containment Not Option
The New Network Threat: Nuclear Capability Goes Global
Trayvon Martin's Mother: What Does Justice Look Like?
Gene Sperling & Fiscal Cliff: What We Need to Do Now!
Contrasting G.W. Bush's Health Care Policy and Obamacare
Iran Will Not Use Nuclear Weapons to Destroy Israel
Republican's Coming Civil War: Priests vs Mathematicians
Why Now? What North Korea Gains from Belligerence
Herpes From Kissing
Chris Matthews: Remove Mitch McConnell, the 'Tree Stump'
Free Speech: Rushdie Responds to Riots in Muslim World
Governor Hickenlooper: US Can't Go On as Divided Nation
A Nation Divided on Health and the Future of Obamacare
Erskine Bowles on the Fiscal Cliff: 'I'm Really Worried'
José Andrés: Fix Farm Subsidies to Level Food Industry
Michael Porter: Eight Steps to Fix America's Economy
Simpson, Bowles: 'We Need Compromise' on Fiscal Issues
McCain: Petraeus Should be Given Another Chance to Serve
Paying the Price: Putting A Cost On Texas Executions
New Poll: Americans Still Believe in the American Dream
Sandra Day O'Connor: Reagan Picks Cowgirl for High Court
Working Class American Dream Threatened by Union Busting
Dick Gephardt: Worst Case Scenario for the Fiscal Cliff
Nancy Pelosi: Republican Philosophy Is 'Obstruction'
Peter Singer's Strategy to Ration End-of-Life Care
16 and Pregnant: What Are the Effects of Media Exposure?
Bill Gates: Four Good Years of Education Under Obama
Baratunde on How to Be Black: Stereotypical Ways to Die
The Role of Government and the Free Market in Healthcare
David Drummond: Google's New Role in Washington Politics
Charlie Cook: Republicans Must Feel the Stages of Grief
Hispanics: 'Disappointed in Obama, Terrified of Romney'
If Elected, Will President Obama Address Climate Change?
Obama Reelection: New Ideas Not Needed, GOP Rejects Them
Why is Thailand Prone to Political Turmoil?