Archived > 2012 December > 04 Noon > 19

Videos archived from 04 December 2012 Noon

Norfolk Southern mixed freight southeast through Austell Ga. (2)
Wales, Keen and Sifry Debate Internet Civility, Anonymity
CBO Director Says US Fiscal Policy Is Unsustainable
Hirsi Ali: What Prompted the Accused Times Square Bomber?
Political Prisoner Saberi Reflects on Iran's Hardliners
Hirsi Ali: Islam Needs More Competition from Christianity
Did Bush and Cheney Have 'Bloodlust' for Torture?
Newt Gingrich Calls Obama Healthcare Reform 'Madness'
Bill McInturff on the Need to Reach Out to Democrats
Bob Graham: Will the Tea Party Lose Its Steam?
Democratic Chairman Sees Clear Choice in 2010 Election
Podhoretz: Disarm Iran, Bring Peace to the Middle East?
Senator Kerry: No Halt to Offshore Drilling
Tom Donohue: U.S. Gov't and BP Must Pay for Oil Clean-up
Grand Hotel De L Abbaye - Beaugency - Location de salle
DNC Chair Tim Kaine on 2010 Election Outlook
Mark Steyn: What If the West Turned Muslim?
Former NYPD Commissioner Bratton on Predictive Policing
Sexism and the Civil Rights Movement: A Look Back
David Brooks: The Downside to Obama's Self-Confidence
Former Interrogator on Retaliation for Dissent on Torture
How to Expose Corporate Greed? Impersonate Dow Chemical
The Cocaine Trade: Who's Really Bumping Up the Prices?
The Yes Men: Is Obama Living Up to His Campaign Promises?
Jaanmoni Vol-l (Part 12) 2008: Assamese Movie Clip
If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them? US-Taliban Partnership
Rep. Kevin McCarthy: The Gulf Oil Spill Obama's Katrina?
US Trade Rep. Ron Kirk on Negotiations with China
Carville: For Obama, Problem Is the Message Not Policy
John Potter: USPS was like the Internet of the 50s & 60s
Albright vs. Danforth: Does US Image Abroad Matter?
Hitchens and Buckley Debate the 60s Protest Movements
Sen. John Cornyn Asks Charlie Crist for His Money Back
HCM - Máy chiên khoai tây - Giá máy chiên nhúng dầu bằng điện
Elliott Abrams: US-Iran Policy Not Backed Up by Actions
The Military's 'Reciprocal Relationship' with Video Games
Evangelical Richard Cizik Reflects on Ousting from NAE
HUD Secretary Donovan: $1B for Areas Hit by Foreclosures
Beyond Military Drones: The World's First Sex Robot
Partisan Politics: Is Obama 'Subcontracting' to Congress?
Sam Nunn: Sanctions Alone Won't Curb Iran's Nuclear Drive
Girls Season 2 Trailer #1
The Pursuit of Happiness Is Making You Miserable
12.7 en répéte recherche un chanteur urgent
Reportages : Le Rassemblement UMP effectif à partir de ce mardi
Market Fundamentalism: Whose Job Is It to Fix Capitalism?
Reverse Osmosis Filter
bütün kizlar toplandik
Hickie vs. Ahmed: Is Depression Being Overtreated?
The New Rules of Warfare: John Arquilla on the 'Netwar'
HSBC's Stephen Green on Cleaning Up Globalization
Iraq War Surge: Video of Humvee and Roadside Bomb
Mag Eco, Spécial Emploi à la Maison de l'Emploi et de la Formation du Saint-Quentinois
Cours dessage Laius
Oman 2008 - raie manta
Kevin Spacey et Beau Willimon parlent de House of Cards
Wrongful Convictions: Ari Berman Reflects on Legal Blocks
Can a $50 Solution Save Archaeological Sites?
WikiLeaks: Assange Recalls Past Efforts to Block Site
Deviant Globalization: Nils Gilman on the Black Market
Does a Lack of Islamic Literacy Fuel Fundamentalism?
Julian Assange: How Safe Are WikiLeaks' Secret Sources?
SALONE LE ROMAN de Laurent Bonnet chez Vents d'Ailleurs
eCommerce: A Key Factor in Combating Climate Change?
jt19 03 12 2012 la3
Laissez-vous tenter du 4 décembre 2012 avec Kad et Olivier
Average Debt for a British Family? 170% of Annual Income
Was the Surge Worth It? The Human Cost of the Iraq War
Dana Priest on Backlash of Exposing CIA Secret Prisons
Frontline + iPad: The Future of Investigative Journalism?
Invoking Healthcare Reform Difficult in Opposing States
Whistleblower Bias: Is WikiLeaks Losing Its Objectivity?
Goodman Reports on the Collateral Murder WikiLeaks Video
Nader Nadery to Afghan Gov't: Taliban Are Overconfident
Beeson: Learning from 2007's Immigration Reform Failure
End-of-Life Care: Weighing Ethics and Rationing Resources
Atelier Maitre Albert - Paris - Location de salle - Paris
Goodman: Iraq War Reporting Ended Celebrity Journalism
Mexiko - Bäume als Wasserspeicher | Global 3000
David Eagleman: What Happens When the Net Goes Down?
Norfolk Southern grain train southeast through Austell Ga.
Assassin's Creed 3 Liberation - Les 20 premières minutes -
Epidemic Disease: Is the Internet Our Key to Survival?
Assassin's Creed III Liberation - Gameplay Partie 2
Oman 2008 murènes à gueule jaune
Test Video - CDN Limelight
Fun Book Review: Le Snob: Cigars by Colin Ganley
jt20 03 12 2012 la2
Marshall Plan Redux: The Economic Prowess of China
Sukanya Hamari Betiyan 4th December 2012 Video Watch Online
Columbus Monte-carlo Hotel - Monaco - Location de salle
L'acte de Communication - partie 2
love - Nadia M
love - Sarah J
WTF - Rémy M