Archived > 2012 December > 04 Evening > 45

Videos archived from 04 December 2012 Evening

Young Evangelicals and a New Social Perspective
Eric Schmidt: What Makes Google an American Company
Jesse Ventura on Creating a Level Playing Field
Jessica Mathews: Restoring the US as a Global Leader
Effects of Hurricane Delays at the RNC
John McCain's Life Lesson in Vietnam
Chris Hedges Finds U.S. Culpable for Bosnian Genocide
Groupe H - Sir Alex et l’atout Van Persie
JTV-CONGO du 04/12/12 – Partie 2
L'EPR de Flamanville, trop complexe et pas assez compétitif, sera un fiasco économique
President Bush Praises McCain
Sen. Lieberman Cheers McCain's Independence
Fred Thompson: We Need a President Who...
Donald Payne: When Poverty and War Collide
Fred Thompson Stumps For Palin and Small Town Values
Suspendidas actividades escolares desde el 12 de diciembre hasta el 7 de enero
Julia Ormond: Underreported Human Trafficking Statistics
America’s Lack of Farm Workers
The Corporate Role in Combating Trafficking
Palin VP Nomination Vulnerable
The Importance of Religion in Enacting Social Change
Joe Klein on Being Bashed by Left-Wing Bloggers
Man City - Zabaleta a du mal avec le climat anglais
Ron Paul Asks 'How Did We Lose the Republic?'
The Changing Priorities of American Voters
Julia Ormond: Survival Stories of Human Trafficking
Michael Ruhlman on the Real Costs of Cheap Food
Nancy Pelosi on Women's Stake in the Election
Bill Clinton to Republicans: Thanks But No Thanks
Eric Schmidt: The Internet's Potential in US Elections
Important Qualifications for a Future American President
Joe Biden: 'McCain is More of the Same'
Rep. Markey on Creation of a Carbon Market
Subh P6
Subah P8
McCain: A 10 Percent Difference
Ron Paul Says 'There Are No Foreign Threats'
State Sen. Van de Putte: Inclusive Convention
Obama Campaign: Disciplined, Efficient and Friction Free
Eric Schmidt: Is Google Killing Journalism?
McCain's Time as a POW
Subh P3
Dan Barber Visits a Natural Foie Gras Farm
Bill Clinton Believes Barack Obama is 'Ready to Lead'
John McCain: Congress will Fund VA Programs
L'édito d'Olivier Mazerolle du 4 décembre
Ben Affleck: Engaging Africans on the Ground
Michelle Obama: Barack's Plan for Military Services
Dispozitiv radionic psionic si psihotronic Protect001
John McCain: Victory in Iraq is in Sight
Suggestions for the Campaigns of McCain and Obama
Jesse Ventura: Taking Back the Constitution
Sarah Palin Slams Obama at the RNC
American Role in Democracy Promotion
Obama and McCain Approaches to Energy
President Bill Clinton Throws Support Behind Obama
Ron Paul: The War on Drugs is a 'Complete Failure'
How Independent Grocers Support Local Farmers
SC2 vilePsY[Z] vs [P]RGNFuture
The Economic Benefits of Going Green
Obama’s Plan for Change
Secretary Gutierrez on Reducing Unemployment
Chris Hedges on Kosovo's 'Victims'
Dispozitiv radionic si psihotronic extrem de puternic
Barack Obama's First Appearance at the DNC
McCain's VP Choice a Huge Gamble
Chris Hedges Loses his Job for Speaking Out Against Iraq
Nancy Pelosi on the Obama-Biden Ticket
John McCain: The Veterans' Care Access Card
The Possibility of Unity
Anya Fernald on Making Slow Food Accessible
New Media and Sarah Palin Rumors
Public Readiness for New Energy Policy
A New Civic Responsibility and Religious Perspective
Obama's Connection to Young Voters
The Impact of Public Perception on Policy Change
Richard Holbrooke Stresses Coalition Building
Sam Mogannam: Connecting Consumers with Farmers
American Support for Georgia Over Tibet
Joe Biden on Improving U.S. Foreign Policy
Michelle Obama Says It Is Okay to Complain
Separating Religious Institutions from Partisanship
Dispozitiv radionic si psionic
Tim Wirth: The Importance of U.S. Leadeship
Hernando de Soto: Legal Freedoms Leading to Wealth
Getting Global Poverty on the Political Agenda
Painting for Purpose - (918) 786-4775
Madeleine Albright: Giving Access to the Poor
A Clear Relationship Between Religion and Politics
Making Alternative Energy Affordable
Chuck Prince on National Obstacles to Globalization
Dispozitiv radionic, psionic si psihotronic Romania.mpg
Peter Gabriel: The Cell Phone Revolution
Changing Social Policy by Telling Individual Stories
Preserving Integrity in Multinational Corporations
How Web 2.0 Gives Voice to More People
Dispozitiv radionic, psionic si psihotronic Romania.mpg[1]