Archived > 2012 December > 04 Evening > 14

Videos archived from 04 December 2012 Evening

Bovins dexter
Daschle and Thompson Agree: Pool the Uninsured
Florence GRAND - Prix de la Femme dans l'industrie Rhône-Alpes 2012
Media Frenzy Over Royal Baby News
hong kong
Hôpitaux Grecs : "soignez-vous ailleurs"
2012-12-04 question au gouvernement - surcoût EPR Flamanville
Is the Alcohol Distribution System in the US Flawed?
Sarah à la harpe
Patricia GROS - Prix de l'Entreprise Responsable Rhône-Alpes 2012
Dobbins: US Disregarded Iran's Cooperation in Afghanistan
Blackwell Suggests Stimulus Package for Fresh Food
Desmond Tutu: Fight Climate Change with 'Caring Dominion'
Honge Juda Na Hum 4th dec 12 pt3
Robert Kagan Calls for a League of Democracies
Calvin Trillin: Election Night 2008
Simon Fanshawe: Flaws of the '60s Inheritance
Rami Khouri: 7 Steps Towards Peace in the Middle East
'Safe' Mercury Levels in Fish Based on 'Bad Data'
Watts: Buralar eskiden dutluktu
Angela Blackwell on Public Policy for the Most Vulnerable
Momoiro Sparkling - Fan Made PV [First Media Edit]
OTR - 3
Brian Doherty on the Legal History of Gun Rights
Dustin Lance Black: Harvey Milk Inspired Me to Come Out
Minette Marrin: Feminism of the 60s Hijacked by the Left
You are the Weakest Link: Bullying in a Vote-Off Society
LINEA 4d : le secteur de Plan-de-Cuques
Peter Beinart: American Right 'Worship' Winston Churchill
Calvin Trillin: The Art of Deadline Poetry
Carl Gershman Traces US History of Democracy Promotion
US Hesitation to Rebuild Afghanistan Led to Breakdown
Kasım favorileri...
Love Marriage Ya Arranged Marriage 4th December 2012 Video Watch Online Part1
L'histoire et les paroles du Pilou-Pilou, l'hymne du RCT
Van Jones: Green Industry Can Save US Economy
Michael McFaul Pits Democracy Against Autocracy
Edward Luck Explains UN Goals to Protect Civilians
Five Years On: Michael Chertoff Evaluates Legacy of DHS
maja sablewska
60s to Today: 'A Lowering of Horizons Across the Board'
Wittes: Bush Bungled the Promotion of Democracy
Amal Elsana Alh'jooj Chooses Her Husband to Study Abroad
【手書きイナズマ】アイスロード 吹雪が歌って くれたよ - YouTub
Vendée Globe 2012 - Jour 15 - 24 Novembre
Anna Funder Defines Courage As Group Before Self
Edward Alden Calls Homeland Security 'Schizophrenic'
Patrick Dodson: Obama's Words Transcend Borders
Paul Keating: Obama Will Reform Int'l Relations
mbnnm ep 13p1
Eli Broad's Remedy for the Auto Industry
Laurence H. Tribe: Why We Can’t Rewrite the Constitution
Para Mullan on Bullying in the Workplace
Steve Fainaru: Will Blackwater Be Tried for Murder?
Anna Funder Links Motherhood and Morality
Firoozeh Dumas: 'American Dream Still Does Exist'
Martine Letts: Despite Bush, US Moral Authority Strong
Mumbai Attacks: 'These Weren’t Just Terrorists'
Chris Patten: Can Obama Induce American 'Savings Spree'?
Gilles Kepel Details Tangled History of Suicide Bombings
Anna Funder Examines Human Morality
Edward Alden: US 'Overreacted' to September 11th Attack
Jihadi Failure Opened Iraq to Iranian Influence
Why Edward Alden Supports the Terrorist Watch List
Steven Poole Calls Intelligent Design 'Dishonest' Jargon
bitenler şubat
Firoozeh Dumas: Media Portrayal of Muslims 'Very Narrow'
No Legal System to Deal with Rogue Security Firms in Iraq
Tamara Wittes Suggests Strategies for Democracy Promotion
Laurence H. Tribe on Interpreting the Constitution
Neil Joeck: Obama's Stance on Nukes No Matter to Pakistan
Inside the Scope of Power Held by Private Security Groups
Obscenity and Free Speech in Pakistan
Same-Sex Discrimination and the Prop 8 Syndrome
Dissecting the Myth of Joe the Plumber
Lynn Paltrow: Pregnant Women Viewed As 'Killers'
Mumbai Terrorists Were Organized and Well-Trained
Europe's Increasing Role in Democratizing the Middle East
Why Shelby Steele Thought Barack Obama Couldn't Win
Laurence Tribe: Revision Makes Constitution Legitimate
Embedded Journalists in Pakistan Face Severe Restrictions
Bruce Hoffman: Bottom Line of the Mumbai Terrorist Attack
Dalton Conley: Are You an Intravidual?
Nunberg: 'Time Alone' Will Grant Gays Right to Marry
Religious Right: Soulgasms and the War on Masturbation
Shelby Steele: Republican Party is 'Racist by Default'
Bob Carr Criticizes US Lack of Global Warming Leadership
Outdated Copyright Law Impedes Artists
Shelby Steele on Obama's 'Racial Moral Authority'
Volvo-Driving, Brie-Eating & Other Liberal Myths Debunked
Robin les 2alpes 2012
مسلسل تركان_الحلقة 10
The (Im)Morality of Drilling Offshore in the US
You Can’t Translate 'Shake 'n Bake' into Farsi
Joe Sparano Advocates Drilling off California Coast
Eli Broad Explains Venture Philanthropy
The Challenges Facing Copyright Law in a Digital Age
The Self-Censorship of Pakistani Media