Videos archived from 30 August 2012 Evening
BFM Business : Des technologies compétitives au service du développement durableAl Jazeera interviews Ertharin Cousin from the UN World Food Programme
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News Bulletin - 03:35 GMT update
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Fragile calm in violence-hit Karachi
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Stadium opens 2,012 hours ahead of Olympics
Obama kicks off bid for second term
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Aurora - Ep.43
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Greek voters angry and fearful for future
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Hopes ride high on Colombia escalators
Economy key for French voters
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Hundreds detained at anti-Putin rally in Moscow
Premier jour de compétition des jeux Paralympiques de Londres
Débat en Angola sur la préparation des élections
Paralympics: Opening ceremony looks to the skies
Socialist Hollande wins French presidency
Ban Ki-moon critica o Irã por programa nuclear
Taking the bite out of Sri Lanka's crocodiles
Virtual stores eliminate small competition
Tulle, the Hearthland of Corrèze
Newseum charts role of new media in reporting
Energía nuclear sí armas no
Pro-bailout parties weakened in Greece vote
L'horlogerie, toujours dans l'air du temps
Le Talk : Hervé Morin
Venice film festival kicks off
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Ryan promete cambio de rumbo
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'US plots to isolate Iran fail as 120 nations attend NAM summit'
Francois Hollande elected as French president
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Daniel PUDLES, "Il était une fois" (Fête de l'Eau Wattwiller 2012)
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Video: Italian miner slits wrist on live TV to protest mine shutdown
The Perigord-Limousin Natur Park
Video: Isaac lashes New Orleans, batters villages in Louisiana
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La Nouvelle-Orléans fait face à la tempête
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