Archived > 2012 February > 01 Noon > 51

Videos archived from 01 February 2012 Noon

Will Israel's Threat to 'Strike' Iran Become a Reality?
Napolitano Cautions Complacency Is Threat to US Security
Newt Gingrich Slams War on Terror Strategy
Newt Gingrich Warns of Electromagnetic Pulse Attack
Security Dilemma: US Military Power Perceived as Threat?
Did Nixon Plan to Prolong the Vietnam War?
Do Medicare and Medicaid Increase Insurance Premiums?
Is Corporate Self-Interest Driving Healthcare Reform?
John Dean on Executive Power and the U.S. Presidency
Healthcare Reform: Breaking Down the Public Option
NAACP President Says Van Jones Fired Over Neo-McCarthyism
President Obama's Plan for Nuclear Disarmament
The 'Remarkable' Success of Pakistan's Lawyers' Movement
Why Gay Marriage Matters
Do Public Figures Have a Moral Responsibility?
The REAL Healthcare Debate: Government's Role
AFL-CIO President Champions Public Option
Can Electronic Medical Records Reduce Health Care Costs?
Is Healthcare Coverage a Human Right?
SF Mayor Says No to Health Reform Lacking Public Option
The Budget Morass Surrounding Health Care Reform
California Budget Crisis Caused by 'Minority Rule'
Dems Failing to Sell Pros of Health Care Reform
La meute des justiciers - La Ferme en folie
Le recyclage - Coup de pouce vert
Should Government Be a Strict Father or Nurturing Parent?
Coup de foudre - La Ferme en folie
Le papier - Coup de pouce vert
Les ampoules - Coup de pouce vert
A Multi-Partner World: Sec. Clinton on US Foreign Policy
Fêter le couronnement - Les Pingouins de Madagascar
La couronne perdue - Les Pingouins de Madagascar
La diversion - Les Pingouins de Madagascar
Secretary Clinton on Iran: 'The Time for Action Is Now'
Un bruit bizarre - Les Pingouins de Madagascar
Gerry Adams Calls Irish-Americans to Activism
Michael Oren on Zionism and American Jewry
Oren Says 'Mutual Legitimacy' Key to Middle East Conflict
Ted Olson Predicts Easy Confirmation of Sotomayor
The Difficulty of Race Issues in Supreme Court Cases
The New Yorker's Jane Mayer on SERE Program and Torture
The New Yorker's Jane Mayer: Obama for Indefinite Gitmo?
Will Russia Ever Build a 'Western-Style' Democracy?
Carl Levin Traces US Torture Tactics to Communist Regime
Charles Kesler Argues Women's Lib Is Bad for Women
Hooman Majd: 'The Nuclear Issue Is Finished' in Iran
Levin Argues Torture Leads to Unreliable Intelligence
The Liberal Agenda of President Obama
The Passionate Youth Vote Behind Mousavi
Brand Rudd: How Australian PM Kevin Rudd Defeated Howard
Janet Napolitano Defends Homeland Security Focus on H1N1
Janet Napolitano: Improving Information Classification
Rep. Tauscher Says Slowly 'Destroy' US Nuclear Stockpile
The Influence of Obama on the Iranian Election
Bush Admin Vets on Gitmo and the Writ of Habeas Corpus
Examining Bush's Authorization to Shoot Down 9/11 Planes
Does a US Victory in Afghanistan Hinge Upon Pakistan?
En mode mouche - Mes parrains sont magiques
La cooperación al desarrollo en el municipio de Alcobendas, Madrid
Obama Bullish on Afghan Taliban Embedded in Pakistan
Une affaire de famille - Mes parrains sont magiques
ACLU Director Calls for Prosecution of Top Bush Officials
Condoleezza Rice Admits Biggest Mistake of Iraq War
Condoleezza Rice Responds to Accusations of Torture
Is Israel Waging a War of Humiliation?
Israeli Separation Walls: Security or Apartheid? 
Jeff Halper Argues Israel 'Warehouses' Palestinians
L'anniversaire de Denzel - Mes parrains sont magiques
Should Bush Torture Memo Architects Be Prosecuted?
Tapette à mouches - Mes parrains sont magiques
Fashion Icon Michelle Obama: Altering Stereotypes
Bill Clinton Examines Why Hamas Won Gaza
Bill Clinton: Losers and Loners Make Democracy 'Sing'
Eliciting Truthful Statements from the '20th Hijacker'
Gitmo Attorney Says Courtroom Designed to Suppress Info
Roth: China's Future Depends on Free Speech, Liberty
When Will Afghanistan and Pakistan Trust the US?
Why Did the US Disengage from UN Human Rights Council?
Are Cuba's Political Prisoners Used as Bargaining Chips?
General John Keane Supports Obama's Iraq War Timetable
General Keane Gives Reason for Optimism in Afghanistan
General Keane Defends the Iraq War
La demande de Max - True Jackson
Max perd la tête - True Jackson
Pomegranates for Peace: Solving the US-Iran Conflict
Sheikh Saad Hariri Defends Lebanon's Religious Politics
US Congressional Elections May Stress US-Iran Relations
Will 'Carrots & Sticks' Foreign Policy Backfire in Iran?
A Debate: Can a Nuclear Iran Be Saved?
Egyptian Consul General Pleads for US Beacon of Democracy
Flawed Assessments in DC Lead to Flawed Global Strategy
Hamid Mir Says Osama Bin Laden Still Alive
L'espionne roulée - True Jackson
Obama Continues Legacy of Drone Attacks in Pakistan
The Afghani Perspective on American Intervention
Advice from 4-Star Gen. Barry McCaffrey on Afghanistan
Gen. Petraeus: Countering Afghanistan's Downward Spiral
Gen. Petraeus: No Iraq-Style Surge in Afghanistan
Is President Obama a Walking Symbol of Democracy?