Archived > 2011 January > 06 Morning > 33

Videos archived from 06 January 2011 Morning

Getting Medical Marijuana : How do I know if medical marijuana is right for me?
Getting Medical Marijuana : Do medical records show if I am a medical marijuana patient?
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Getting Medical Marijuana : Once I qualify, where can I get medical marijuana?
Getting Medical Marijuana : If I qualify to purchase medical marijuana, where can I legally smoke it
Getting Medical Marijuana : What is a medical marijuana caregiver?
Getting Medical Marijuana : Do existing marijuana laws really hurt patients?
Prescribing Marijuana : Can you legally recommend marijuana therapy to a patient?
Getting Medical Marijuana : If medical marijuana is legalized, would more people be using marijuana?
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How Marijuana Works : What is 'marijuana'?
Prescribing Marijuana : Do you experience repercussions for recommending medical marijuana to a pati
How Marijuana Works : How long does it take for marijuana to affect the body once inhaled?
Video 4
How Marijuana Works : How long will THC show up in a urine test after using marijuana?
Video 6
How Marijuana Works : What are some of the byproducts of marijuana?
How Marijuana Works : How has the American Medical Association dealt with medical marijuana?
How Marijuana Works : Is there any reliable scientific evidence that marijuana has medical value?
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How Marijuana Works : What is 'Marinol'?
How Marijuana Works : What are some of the disadvantages of using opiates as a treatment for ailment
How Marijuana Works : What is 'Sativex'?
Marijuana Side Effects : Is marijuana a gateway drug?
How Marijuana Works : What causes a marijuana 'high'?
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Marijuana Side Effects : Does marijuana cause brain damage?
Marijuana Side Effects : Does marijuana cause fertility problems?
Dinero con Encuestas
Marijuana Side Effects : What are some potential side effects from using medical marijuana?
Marijuana Side Effects : Does smoking marijuana cause cancer?
Marijuana Side Effects : Does marijuana cause depression?
Marijuana Side Effects : Is marijuana too addictive to be used as a medicine?
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Getting Medical Marijuana : Where can I get information on medical marijuana dispensaries?
Marijuana Side Effects : Is marijuana stronger now than it was 20 years ago?
Marijuana Side Effects : Is marijuana more dangerous than tobacco?
Marijuana Side Effects : How many people have overdosed on marijuana?
Marijuana Side Effects : Is smoking marijuana dangerous for the respiratory system?
Medical Marijuana Benefits : Why Is medical marijuana an effective way to treat nausea?
Medical Marijuana Benefits : Do most physicians believe in the power of medical marijuana to treat i
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Medical Marijuana Benefits : How does medical marijuana help people with glaucoma?
Medical Marijuana Benefits : What do HIV and AIDS experts say about medical marijuana?
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Medical Marijuana Benefits : How is medical marijuana used in the treatment of Alzheimer's patients?
Medical Marijuana ID Cards : How do I know if I qualify for an MMIC?
Medical Marijuana Benefits : What conditions can marijuana treat?
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Medical Marijuana Benefits : Is there an effective way to inhale marijuana without smoking it?
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Medical Marijuana ID Cards : How much does it cost to apply for an MMIC card?
Medical Marijuana Legislation : Why was Proposition 215 important in the crusade to legalize medical
Medical Marijuana Legislation : What is Senate Bill 420?
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Medical Marijuana ID Cards : What is a Medical Marijuana Identification Card (MMIC)?
Medical Marijuana ID Cards : Does health insurance pay for an MMIC card?
Medical Marijuana Legislation : What is the Hinchey-Rohrabacher amendment?
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Medical Marijuana Legislation : Are there organizations fighting to legalize medical marijuana?
Medical Marijuana Legislation : What is the 1999 Institute of Medicine report on marijuana?
Medical Marijuana Legislation : How has the Hinchey-Rohrabacher amendment performed in Congress?
Medical Marijuana Legislation : Who could introduce a medical marijuana bill in The House of Represe
Medical Marijuana Legislation : How do I find out if my state has medical marijuana on the ballot?
Medical Marijuana Legislation : How can I support medical marijuana bills in my state?
Medical Marijuana Legislation : Why aren't Senate Bill 420 and Proposition 215 recognized by federal
Medical Marijuana Legislation : What is the biggest hurdle in getting a medical marijuana bill passe
The Marijuana Debate : Will Sativex be available in the US?
Marijuana And The FDA : Has the FDA studied marijuana?
The Marijuana Debate : Would legalizing marijuana make it easy to regulate and control?
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The Marijuana Debate : Is there enough scientific evidence to validate federal medical marijuana leg
Medical Marijuana And The Law : Is the medical marijuana movement just a ploy to legalize marijuana
Medical Marijuana And The Law : Is medical marijuana legal?
Marijuana And The FDA : Why is FDA approval required for legal access to drugs including marijuana?
Medical Marijuana And The Law : Was marijuana always an illegal substance?
Medical Marijuana And The Law : What is the 'Controlled Substances Act'?
Medical Marijuana And The Law : Why are you in favor of moving marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule
Medical Marijuana And The Law : What is the 'States' Rights to Medical Marijuana Act'?
Medical Marijuana And The Law : What are some of the legal consequences medical marijuana patients c
Medical Marijuana And The Law : What is mandatory drug sentencing?
Medical Marijuana And The Law : What is the US drug Czar John Walters' position on medical marijuana
Medical Marijuana And The Law : Do people really go to prison for medical marijuana offenses?
Medical Marijuana And The Law : Why is the federal government blocking research on medical marijuana
Medical Marijuana And The Law : How many states have medical marijuana laws?
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Body Dysmorphic Disorder As A Teenager : Did BDD keep you away from school?
Body Dysmorphic Disorder As A Teenager : How did BDD affect how you spent your time in high school?
Body Dysmorphic Disorder As A Teenager : How did BDD affect your high school years?
Body Dysmorphic Disorder As A Teenager : How did BDD make you feel as a teenager?