
Al-Haaj Syed Allah Rakhkha Qadri Ziaee along with his friends established Anjuman Zia-e-Taiba in 2004AD / 1425AH with the determination to add one more glittering star (Institute) to those ones which were already occupied in brightening (promoting) Maslak-e-Ahle Sunnah.

Anjuman Zia-e-Taibah was named after Hazrat Qutb-e-Madeena Allama Shah Zia-ud-Deen Madani, (Khaleefa of Aala Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi (May Allah be pleased with them both!).

Objectives and Activities of the Anjuman

- Publication and free distribution of Arabic, Urdu and English books under the exigency of the current circumstances.
- With Point of View and thought, mutual consultative system for awareness of Ahl-e-Sunnah.
- Through Ziai Research Library, to provide Sunni Ulama and researchers with books and matter for study and research.
- Ziai Dar-ul-Ifta.
- Ziai Reader Club.
- Training of A’immah and Khutaba.
- Training of hujjaj-e-Kiram (Pilgrims).
- Monthly Lectures from the Glorious Quran and books of Hadees and Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence).
- In the holy nights and days, holding of mahafil (gatherings) and distribution of langar shareef (food/ meat).
- Madaris-e-Zia-e-Taiba, Tahfiz-ul-Quran (for making students memorize the holy Quran) and Dars-e-Nizami for both male and female students.
- Establishment of Ziai I.T. Wing.
- Ziai News via sms and social network.
- Ziai Istikhara.
- Ziai Kafalat (Financial support and maintenance).