
Learn Spanish in Sapin with Zador Spanish language schools:
ZadorSpain has 2 schools in Spain: one in Alicante, in the Mediterranean Coast, and another one in Vitoria, in the North of Spain.
Both schools offer Spanish courses for adults throughout the whole year and, in addition, the school in Alicante offers special courses for teens and children in the summer.
We offer you different programmes to learn the Spanish language. The most popular courses among our students are the General Spanish courses:
-Standard Course, with 3 Spanish lessons per day
-Intensive Course, with 4 Spanish lessons per day
-Super-Intensive Course, with 4 Spanish lessons per day in a group plus a private lesson.

We also offer programmes of Spanish for specific purposes —Business Spanish, Spanish for preparing DELE exams, Spanish & Culture…— as well as programmes of Holiday language Courses, such as Spanish & Golf, Spanish & Tennis, Spanish & Sailing or Windsurfing, Spanish & Excursions or Spanish & Wine Tasting…
No matter the course you choose, lessons will only be in mini-groups, with a maximum of 7 and an average of 4 or 5 students per classroom. Rest assure that learning is faster and attention is personalised.
If you need accommodation, we can also offer you different options:
-Host family will full board or half board,
-Shared flat, with other students,
-Apartments for one person, 2 people, 3 people,