Simon Leung

Simon Leung, known all across the Internet Marketing industry as the Master AdWords Optimizer, is one of the world’s leading experts in Google AdWords.

In April of 2002, back when very few people have even heard about, Simon became one of the very first individuals to join the Google AdWords team. For several months, he was one of the highest performers in his role as an AdWords Representative, also known as an Editorial Specialist, manually going through thousands upon thousands of ads at any given week, which gave him the opportunity to ramp up on the Google AdWords product at a very early stage in his career.

After mastering the basic skills of Google AdWords, Simon sought his next challenge as an AdWords Email Coordinator, where he once again became one of the highest performers on his team, cranking through an average of over 100 customer emails on a daily basis. In addition, Simon even managed customer support over the phone and in the Chinese language, even though the official Phone and International Teams had not been established yet at the time.

Finally, in May of 2003, Simon found his niche. For several months, Simon had been very interested in optimizing clients’ Google AdWords accounts and often pro-actively sent optimization suggestions over email and phone. At last, an official Optimization Specialist position would roll out, and there would be an opportunity to transition into this position full-time.

However, at the time, there was no Optimization Team. There weren’t even any training or real, tested strategies that have been proven to work. As a matter of fact, he would only be working on optimizations with one other colleague, which was someone who had joined the AdWords Team a few months after him.

Despite the challenges, Simon worked hard not only to optimize accounts and support clients, but also became instrumental in the testing and developing the very strategies that are proven to work today. In addition to external client support, Simon also wrote most of the optimization training materials for new AdWords and Optimization Team members, many of which are still being used internally at Google to this day.

Ever since then, Simon was not only once again one of the highest performing members of the team, but he also became a leading contributor, trainer, mentor and quality reviewer for all his colleagues. He founded most of the projects that have been valuable to both clients and his team, and he had become the #1 go-to person on the team with optimization quality and strategy questions.

As an Optimization Specialist, Simon was a tremendous resource internally and externally, working with 100s of advertisers with all types of problems and successfully helped them achieve their advertising goals. Having improved the performances of 1000s of accounts, many of which were new campaigns created from scratch, Simon had tested and developed countless strategies with his team and know the insides as to what techniques produce results.

In August of 2006, Simon felt that he had exhausted his learning during his employment at Google, and made the decision to resign from the world’s best search engine in search of his next challenge.

Within just 2 weeks into his transition into a full-time Internet Marketer, Simon has already become a:

* Recognized expert among the top Internet Marketing gurus
* Platform speaker at major Internet Marketing seminars
* Contributor in major product launches by big name speakers
* Special guest on high profile teleseminar calls
* JV partner in several new and upcoming projects
* Creator of several more ground-breaking products of his own

And obviously, Simon has only begun to scratch the surface…

There are a ton of Google AdWords advertisers out there who are frustrated with their advertising efforts, and so much more who would benefit from services of all types of levels. Simon has now dedicated himself to helping such advertisers in a role and angle that he could not have possibly been able to do during his Google employment.

Today, Simon is a full-time Internet Marketer and Google AdWords consultant, author, speaker, coach and mentor. He is also the author of several ebook and audio products, with many more similar products on the way. Simon will also be a guest speaker at some of the highest profile Internet Marketing Seminars in the industry this year.

As Simon’s ideas grow, so do his services. Be sure to check back often and take a look at the Quick Links section on the left side of this page to see how Simon’s latest resources can benefit you.