SHARAD Rathour

the text below each of your videos. It helps viewers find your content and decide whether to watch it.
Done right, YouTube descriptions can boost SEO, subscriptions, view counts, and watch time. They can also help your videos rank in YouTube’s “suggested search” function.

So how do you craft descriptions that work? Here are some of our favourite strategies.

20 tips for writing effective YouTube descriptions
1. Use specific keywords
Choose 1-2 keywords that accurately describe your content to maximize search traffic to your video. Include them in your video’s description and title to increase its chances of ranking in potential viewers’ search results.

The same goes for your channel description. YouTube’s algorithm places a lot of importance on the keywords in your About page. Use them wisely.

Not sure what keywords to use? Tools like Google Ads Keyword Planner and Google Trends can help you get started.

Simply type in the words that best
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