
Staring Danny Macaskill, Taj Burrow, Mark Matthews, Duane De Soto, Alain Goikoetxea, Ivan Rivado, Lem Villemin, Matt Annetts, Karsten Gefle, Mike Lamy, Fred Syversen, Michael Devor, Franz Olry, Niccolo Porcella, Lou Wainman, Shawn Richman, Jean-Noel Itzstein, Robert Pecnik, Davide Carrera, Alex Aimard

Each discipline has a share of adventure, risk and luck. Knowledge of nature and the elements is essential. Riders, searching for the optimum conditions, shorten their window of opportunity in their pursuit for perfection. The evolution of these sports is such that many variables must converge to allow total expression.

The riders are on a perpetual search for the right "Instant", that tenth of a second when you must make a turn, jump a cliff or enter into the tube of a 10-metre wave. They live for this instant, when the rest of the world disappears. Man at one with nature.

"INSTANT" was a logical title for the latest production. We travelled through the world with the riders, to the Chamonix Valley, the Balearic and Canary Islands, Australia, Hawaii, Micronesia, Spanish Basque Country, Switzerland, as well as Scotland, discovering all the different and redeeming personalities.

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