
Hi there fellas! I'm Nikoru Takashi, my real name is Michael and I started to create AMV's at 01.08.2006 because of wanna get new skills and improve my past-wife Ladylina, but I stopped works few years ago. I live in Katowice in Poland - one of the biggest and the most famous cities of my country. I am graduate of technical school with profile IT Engineer. I wanted to prove all of people who I really am. I love my past-wife Ladylina (she's here as Black_Pearl_Rainne), Dragon Ball series, GTO, making AMV's and even, even more. What could I say about myself? I can help everybody in almost all kinds of problems and I am the person who won't dissapoint you. If you want to know something more about me there's a contact:

Yahoo: nikoru_san
Skype: nikoru_takashi
GG: 3862106
Mail: mszajewski@gmail.com

Greetings for everybody from Poland ^.^

I hope you'll like my works *^_^*

P.S. Some of my works unfortunately were deleted due to copyright law and I am unable to reload my missing works as I lost them in computer formatting. So enjoy the memories of me that has left here...