Martin Missfeldt

German artist Martin Missfeldt shows speedpainting art. The time-lapsed videos shows the painting process. All pictures are digitally painted with Adobe Photoshop CS3. For best practice I use a graphic tablet by Wacom: the Intuos3 A4.
Usually a picture took 3 to 4 hours of painting. Sometimes its a little bit faster. For recording I use autoScreenRecorder 2.0 free. The postproduction is done with Adobe AfterEffects. Before uploading all movies are compressed with Flash-Video-Encoder. The final Flash-Video is much smaller than the original files.

Besides my paintings I work in a german company. We do Website-Optimizing, especially for cultural content sites. One focus is on interactive Flash-animation which can be really usefull for transmission of sophisticated content.
If you like to see more have a look on

Since some months I have a blog (only german). In the tagSeoBlog I concentrate on questions about picture- and video-optimizing. As we can see since some time the google (and other) search result pages are full with media: News, maps, blogs and: pictures and videos. So in my eyes it is very important to check out these media-results.

Some things about me : I have study fine art and painting at the University of fine arts Berlin. 1995 I graduated as "masterscholar" of the german painter Georg Baselitz.