Los Angeles School of Gymnastics

Los Angeles School of Gymnastics

Welcome to Los Angeles School of Gymnastics Daily Motion Channel!

Located in Culver City, CA, home of the Los Angeles Dodgers and Kings, LASG is Parent's #1 Choice for keeping their kids in shape in L.A. Opened since 1975, we have over 16 Gymnastics Classes and programs offered for ages 18 months all the way to adults.

Anyone can be a gymnast and with our Olympic caliber gymnasium and coaching staff, reaching for the Gold Medal is within your grasp! The Original Rhythmic Gymnastics school, a sport which was introduced to the US by LASG Executive Director Alla Svirsky -- you can not find a better place to train, have fun and compete. We have Girls Gymnastics, Boys Gymnastics, Cheerleading classes, Team Competitions, Private Instructor sessions, Pre-School, Adult and Parkour classes for all levels of skill.

Gymnastics is incorporated in all sports and promotes healthy lifestyles, fitness, discipline, strength and focus. Here you can view day-to-day gymnastics training, How-To videos, Interviews and just 'having fun' here at LASG... where "Anyone Can Be A Gymnast!"
6 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago