Ka-Ho Leung

I am Ka-Ho Leung aka Jake. My channel specialises in exploring uncomfortable truths in everyday life and doing something new all the time. Now, thanks to YouTube, I can put my documentary and thoughts about everyday life and video-log my life on here to share you all regarding to my life into morality and individualism, also there will be some cover singing and projects on here in the very future.

I have learnt life the hard way, especially that I don't have a lot of friends than I used to and just focusing on myself & helping others who feel the same.

Here, in you will get to know more about myself, be positive and mainly BE YOURSELF. The only positive, friendly and bubbly person that you cannot afford to miss out! There are tons of exclusive new stuff and also for you to get involved! You're welcome all!

Please SUBSCRIBE & enjoy my journey as well as following me too.