
HI my name Is Dave Horne

I am 50 something of age

I am a Husband to my very favourite person, Pat my wife of 39 years. Father to three great boys, and Grandfather to 4.2 children.

Pat and I love to travel and have been fortunate to have visited dozens of countries all over the world. Our favourite being New Zealand which we visit every couple of years. At one stage, when we were in our forty's, we took six years out to live the dream and travelled extensively. Including a year in New Zealand.

I have always been in business for myself, and consider myself a Network Marketing Professional.

I am passionate about helping people achieve their goals; I just love to see the smiles as these are achieved.

I am a great believer in life helps people that deserve not need.

Anything is possible if you believe it. So people building is very high on my priorities. I love to help those who are looking to escape their cubicle lifestyles to realize their dreams.

Life is not a practice run. Do all you possibly can. Doing less just messes with the mind! Don’t miss anything. If you live well you will earn well.

I would like to pay tribute to my virtual mentor. The late great Jim Rohn. Thanks also to Robert Kiyosaki and Mike Maloney for helping me with my financial education.
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Join me on this amazing life journey.