
What is Fairfood?

Fairfood is an international non-profit campaign and lobby organisation, which prompts the food and beverage industry to make its production and trade more sustainable. In this way Fairfood contributes to the fight against hunger and poverty across the globe.

What does Fairfood strive for?

The production and trade of food and beverage products consumed on a daily basis is fraught with unfairness. Fairfood is committed to the improvement of working conditions across the globe, putting an end to environmentally unfriendly practices and making trade more fair

What does Fairfood exactly do?

Fairfood lobbies food and beverage companies and prompts them to employ more sustainable production and trade practices. To achieve this, Fairfood places sustainability broadly on the agenda through different means. Fairfood informs consumers and offers them practical tools to make conscious grocery choices. Fairfood also encourages catering and other service industry companies to shop more sustainably. In addition, Fairfood works with international politicians towards sustainable policies. Fairfood actively participates in the public debate, and conducts international campaigns.

What practical solutions does Fairfood contribute?

Fairfood constitutes a bridge between food and beverage companies and the supply of solutions for increasing sustainability in their practices. These solutions can sometimes be linked to labels or to other successful sustainability initiatives. Fairfood produces the Fairfood Pocket Guide for consumers, listing ‘buy’ recommendations for relatively sustainable products. Fairfood offers an (online) platform, giving everyone the chance to have their voice heard regarding making food more sustainable.
