Examin Life

"The unexamined life is not worth living for a man" Socrates
Information and our capacity to filter and use it in useful ways is what separate us from most animals.
Much information is now censor to us for examination under the excuse of safety and whatever. Is funny how many "gods" of knowledge are out there now saying what is right and what is not. I wonder how a Leonardo Davinci would, Nikola Tesla, Galileo Galilei, and many other people outside of their time and even teaching knowledge against the "correct" and filtered and appropriate to present "gods" of knowledge of the time dimed appropriate. What would people today think if a government had to approved what could you learn and what was not correct? Do people know that exactly this happens in some "unnamed" countries, particularly in Asia and the North Africa. What is possible for a woman to learn and what is not? Who controls what you can learn and what you cannot? We would be in arms should we be under this tyranny and yet we are ALL slaves to modern "gods" of knowledge. They decide what can be published and what is not, what is science and what is not, what is considered scientific evidence and what is not. And all of this in disregard of process, method, and evidence. No matter what evidence you have, what degrees you have, how many participants, studies and what not you have, if the "gods" say that is no evidence and that is no science you will be banned, ostracized, and delegitimize. And all of this under the clap and approval of humanity. Change the name of FDA, WHO, Youtube, Facebook, and many other Olympian "gods" for Catholic church, Islam, such, and such country, and see if you would have tolerated their censorship and control of what you can and cannot learn and reaction would be much different. But we know worship new "gods" and their words are the strings that define our lives as we have them today. Alas!! hail the new "gods" who define the knowledge of good and evil.