
Ask Emii about her musical inspirations and she'll rattle off a litany of female frontrunners and rock n' roll legends. Though she grew up singing their songs, Emii's potent blend of pop, rock and dance produces a sound all her own. The singer-songwriter belts out lyrics about life, love, and relationships with intense emotions that keep you wanting and, ultimately, pleading for more.

Her newly recorded album, with producer Adrian Gurvitz, offers plenty of firepower. Songs like “My Zombie Boyfriend” unleash Emily's angst over falling for the wrong guy, while “Magic” is a fun, sexy song that begs the timeless question: Is he the right one for me? “I loved writing these songs because of the challenge of translating what I was feeling into the melodies and lyrics” says Emii of the new tracks. “That could be dangerous at times, but I knew as long as I put my heart into it the emotions would come out.” Adds Gurvitz: “She's a strange character. You could tell her forever she shouldn't do something and she carries straight on doing it.”

That stubborn streak propelled Emii out of her working class town of Youngstown, Ohio, and into a music career. She started singing as a toddler and, against her parents' wishes, began fronting bands in her early teens. “Music is in my blood,” she says. “I really can't see doing anything else. I gravitate toward it. It's undeniable.”

While her friends picked out their prom dresses, Emii perfected her studio recordings. At every stolen moment, she wrote songs and took to the community theater stage like a second home. While in high school she couldn't resist the lure of the big city, shuttling back and forth from Youngstown to NYC for auditions and open mic gigs. The dual life came to a halt the day Emii turned 18. She bolted to New York City and never looked back.
