Lisa Kikuchi

EiMaru ♥

hmmm lets see......
i have alot of stuff that i like (to do), i like to go on the computer to watch dramas, anime, read mangas, research on j-celebs >:] and alot more ofcourse :)
i also like to look at j-celeb pictures and listen to my mp3 (mostly j-rap/rock/pop) while im on my bed \^o^/
i love to listen to UVERworld songs, they're just my favourite band ever ... i like johnny's entertainment songs too, but UVERworld i can never forget :)
im not a pig, but i like to eat alot >:3, normally at school if someone doesnt want their lunch than i'd eat it for them XD
oh i also love to take pictures, i dream of becoming a photographer one day!
people say i should become a manga author T_T' im not THAT great at drawing okay..? ^^'