
Hi people. My name is Cindy, i was born and still live in the UK. I am 49 now but am very lucky to not look my age.
I think this is because i am sensibly healthy and have decided to make a few videos about health products that i consider to be amazing, but the products do not have thousands of dollars spent on advertising them and are head and shoulders above what the top industry products are making billions on.
I also have friends who are up and coming DJs so I will post some of their videos and download links for you to listen to some of their mixes. I do have the most wicked set of friends that I just love dearly!!
Although i am not a health expert, I do research health a lot and feel i know instinctively know when something is for real and not a rip off or just hype.
I think the face/body creams people use now days are so full of chemicals, just look at the ingredients list on the pots!!
My videos are of products that that have amazing top quality natural ingredients that you wont find anywhere else and they do what they say on the tin. All the ingredients are of the latest buzz words which most companies will have just less than 1% in their creams and market it just on that!!!
i have also discovered an amazing fitness trainer who's moves are awesome and i thoroughly recommend you check him out because once you adopt his program of simple moves you wont need to diet and your cellulite will disappear.
I am new to making videos and they are very basic but i am kinda pleased with myself when i have made them, and just how cool is it that you can make a video and share it with people.
Anyway, enough rambling, enjoy my videos and hopefully you will use the products and see the end results.
Goodbye and have a good day.