France-Albert Bourbon-Mihailovic

My Father is from Serbian (Srbija) and my Mother is from the Seychelles Islands (Zil Sesel).
My Father was a Chetnik and fought for Kosovo and Bosnia. I have a deep respect for the Chetnik culture and our blessed Voivod, Vojislav Seselj.
I am proud to have Serbian blood in my veins.

My Mother is from the Seychelles Islands she has Royal French blood from the son of Louis XVI who escaped to the Seychelles Islands during the French devolution (yes i am royalist! as a real Chetnik), she has also Indian blood from an indian prince and African blood from a king of a Kenyan tribe.

They both came from a socialist-communist country and have taught the values of Nationalism.

I wish Vojislav Seselj could take over our ZIL SESEL (they are named after is a divine sign!) and include them in Greater Serbia.

I am part African Black-Indian Aryan and Serbian White and i am a proud "Black Chetnik"