
ArtistShare simplified: Since 2003, ArtistShare has been allowing fans to show appreciation for their favorite artists by funding their recording projects in exchange for access to the creative process, LTD Edition recordings, VIP access to recording sessions and even credit listing on the CD. Unlike other companies we build the model around the artist while providing the best fan support in the industry. Preview a live ArtistShare fan-funded project here and see how the fans are making it happen.

The ArtistShare philosophy:
The explosion of digital downloading has shaken the roots of the music industry as we’ve known it – the concept of creating music for sale has become a tenuous prospect, as record labels and artists continue to lose profits due to “illegal” file sharing. A variety of solutions have cropped up to prevent music from being devalued – from digital rights management to completely new pricing models. ArtistShare, however, is not looking to fight these emerging technologies; rather, we work with this new platform to the benefit the artist.

At ArtistShare, we believe that the true value of music lies in the artist’s individual creativity and the unique process each artist uses to create their music. Since its inception, ArtistShare has been redefining the music industry by allowing fans to finance artist projects in exchange for access to the artist’s creative process. By reaching out directly to the consumer and focusing on the innate value of music, ArtistShare has created a model that is immune to changes in the industry.

An ArtistShare artists don’t fear technology – they embrace it, understanding that the forces that threaten to devalue music only make the creativity of the artist all the more valuable.