Adam Lee Shockley

My name is Adam Shockley I'm 24 single and a father, but my daugter doesn't live with me. I live in robinson IL I've been staying with my mom helping her out ever since my ex and I split up about a year ago. My daughter is my world I try to get her as much as possible, but it's hard with her living in Michigan. . I've been singing since I was 5 and writing my own songs since I was 9. I'm really hoping someone will see me and help me with my music I've never had lessons and I don't play am instrument so it's been hard for me to be heard other than going to bars for karaoke. You never know it could happen someone might hear me I got my fingers cross. :D

PS I wrote them songs, but I had someone doing the music for me, but he stop doing it so I hoping maybe I could find someone can make beats for me either country or r&b.